Jill Auditori is featured in Times-News article on how to get involved with local governments

The Feb. 17 article focuses on how Alamance County residents can be more involved in their communities through local government.

Jill Auditori, an instructor in political science and policy studies, spoke to the Burlington Times-News about how Alamance County residents can be more involved in their community.

Auditori said that engagement through active participation on local government commissions and boards, or even something as simple as attending city council meetings, can make a resident more in tune with their community.

“A greater diversity of voices means more diversity of perspectives, of thought and of lived experiences,” Auditori said. “When diverse groups of people participate in decision-making processes, those decisions become more deeply considered, which means better policies, laws and direction-setting for the people in our communities.”

The full article, which lists different ways to join the local governments of Burlington, Graham, Gibsonville, Mebane and Elon, can be read here.