Elon faculty co-author a publication on mentoring undergraduate research in global context

Seven Elon University faculty members published an article titled, "Undergraduate research in the global context: models and practices for high-quality mentoring" in the journal Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.

Based on a collaboration developed through a Center for Research on Global Engagement (CRGE) Community of Practice (CoP), seven Elon University faculty members published an article titled, “Undergraduate research in the global context: models and practices for high-quality mentoring” in the journal Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning.

The faculty co-authors are Amy L. Allocco, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Eric Hall, Caroline Ketcham, Mussa Idris, Jennifer A. Hamel and David J. (Sandy) Marshall.

The authors utilize an ecological framework to describe institutional supports and interrelationships between faculty mentors and students in Elon’s institutional context and highlight salient mentoring practices and models that facilitate collaboration and student learning within and across environments.

Through four descriptive case studies, faculty mentors describe the rich cultural contexts in which the research occurs; elucidate the salient mentoring practices utilized to support students’ personal and intellectual development; discuss constellations of mentors spanning different institutions, communities and countries; and identify key institutional supports within the ecological framework. Each case highlights pedagogies and identifies practices that may be applied to a variety of research programs.