More than 200 attend Evening for Elon in Charlotte

On Tuesday Oct. 23, alumni and parents from the Charlotte area gathered at the Carmel Country Club for an Evening for Elon.

Guests viewed a short video and heard President Leo M. Lambert provide an update on Elon during a question-and-answer session.

Charlotte Alumni Area Director Nataira Robinson ’95 was recognized for her leadership for the event.

Margaret Lineberry Rogers ’31 was honored for being the most senior alumni at the event.

The winner of the Elon house flag drawing was Michael Norton, father of Elon freshman, Sarah.

Elon’s Alumni and Parent Relations Office conducts Evenings for Elon in cities where there are large concentrations of alumni and parents. Similar events during 2001-2002 were held in Atlanta and Boston. Plans are underway for 2002-2003 Evenings for Elon in Washington, D.C., Raleigh/Durham and Philadelphia.