#ElonGrad 2022 spotlight: Madeleine Pouline, environmental & sustainability studies and policy studies

In this series, Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences is shining the spotlight on distinguished members of the Class of 2022 from a wide array of disciplines.

Madeleine PoulinDouble majoring in environmental and sustainability studies and policy studies, Madeleine Poulin ’22 was deeply involved with operations at Loy Farm as an intern there.

Poulin is a member of the Pi Sigma Alpha political science honors society and Alpha Xi Delta sorority.

How did you choose your majors?

I’m passionate about sustainable agriculture and the work that can be done to advocate politically for sustainable food production including food sovereignty.

Were there faculty or staff you worked closely with at Elon?

I have worked closely with my professors Michael Strickland and Jacob Rutz and Loy Farm Manager Taylor Black during my internship at Loy Farm. With their support and expertise, I have been able to get hands-on experience exploring sustainable agriculture at Loy Farm and in the Elon Community Garden. The work I have done with them has allowed me to grow my passion for, knowledge of, and skill set in organic agriculture. My internship at Loy Farm has been one of my most important learning experiences because of my professors and mentors.

What are your plans after graduation?

I am currently in the application process for jobs that will allow me to start a career path within agricultural and food policy.

Which other experiences have been valuable in preparing you for success?

I worked as a student employee for the Club Sports Department of Campus Recreation and Wellness. I got a lot of leadership opportunities through on-campus employment including working as the Club Sports Team Leader. Through this position I was able to gain professional development experience that has prepared me for post-graduate employment and career success.

What advice would you give first-year Elon students?

Don’t be afraid to try new things and join new types of organizations during your first semester!