Sports medicine room honors late Elon student

The sports medicine room in the John A. Koury Fieldhouse was dedicated in memory of a late Elon student during a ceremony Friday, Nov. 22.

The Festus Stacy Foundation donated $100,000 to name the room in memory of Chad Macy, an Elon freshman who died in a 1992 automobile accident. Macy, a native of Pompano Beach, Fla., was a member of the Elon football team.

Macy’s roommate was Sean Stepelton, a football teammate and 1995 Elon graduate. The Stacy Foundation is a Christian foundation established by Stepelton’s grandparents, Festus and Helen Stacy. Festus Stacy enjoyed a successful career as founder and owner of APenn and Penn Champ Oil Companies in Butler, Pa.

The naming is part of recent expansion to the fieldhouse, including an enlarged sports medicine room and football locker room. More than half of Elon’s 350 student-athletes receive treatment in the room each day.

A new plaque in the room reads: “In memory of Chad Edward Macy, who as a freshman at Elon College died from an automobile accident on March 1, 1992. Chad, an avid weightlifter, was an honor student, a place kicker on the football team, and a Kappa Sigma Fraternity pledge. He lives through those who knew and loved him.”