Times-News features insights from Ann Bullock on post-pandemic rebound by local schools

The article in the Burlington Times-News highlighted the efforts by the Alamance-Burlington School System boost student achievement that was hampered by the pandemic.

Ann Bullock, dean of the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education, recently offered her insights into local efforts to help student achievement recover from the challenges presented by the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Ann Bullock, dean of the Dr. Jo Watts Williams School of Education

Her insights were highlighted in an article in the Burlington Times-News that focused on improved performance by local students during the past year as well as the work to come to reach pre-pandemic student achievement levels.

“I don’t know how long it’s going to take, but it’s definitely going to take this year and maybe an additional year, depending on what year the students are in,” Bullock told Times-News reporter Isaac Groves.

Bullock  noted that the state had seen success in bringing up math scores before the pandemic, and some of those same focused efforts could be beneficial going forward.

“They are going to have to do some more catching-up strategies, and they know that,” Bullock said.

Read the entire article here.