Emergency preparedness at Elon

Some students and parents have inquired about the university's readiness to cope with emergencies in light of the heightened national concern about terrorist threats at home and abroad. Details...

Elon University has an extensive and detailed emergency response plan and team lead by President Lambert to enable the institution to respond to natural and weather emergencies, accidents of all kinds, and threats to the campus infrastructure, safety and security systems. The plan is updated and evaluated frequently, and there are regular drills to maintain a high state of readiness. The plan has been used effectively several times, usually in response to severe weather, including tornados, hurricanes and ice storms. The response team has conducted simulations of national emergencies.

We have no reports alerting the campus to expect problems at this time, but want to be prepared. Therefore, we ask students to make sure the Registrar’s office has up-to-date information on your local and permanent addresses and telephone numbers. Students should carefully look over the information sheets passed out by faculty in their classes, verifying the contact information and making any necessary corrections. If you do not get a sheet in one of your classes, you can check on the information at the Registrar’s office. Faculty members should make sure that the information sheets are promptly returned to the Office of the Registrar.

In the event of an emergency, all members of the campus community are asked to let family, friends and staff know where they are at all times so they can be contacted and accounted for. All members of the Elon community should check the E-net! Web page daily for news and information. This will be the best and most up-to-date source of information.