Undergraduate research funding deadline

There are two deadlines coming up for students to receive funding to support their undergraduate research projects.

Full information on these opportunities is available on the web (see link below). Students may also get information from Roz Reichard, dean of sciences and mathematics — McMichael 122.


Fall deadline is Sept. 27. Funds are available to support a student research project. For example, funds may be used to purchase laboratory supplies, media supplies, or field materials; to support copying or printing expenses; to support telephone, fax, or other communcation costs; to support travel to a library, museum, or off-campus field site; etc.


Fall deadline is Oct. 11. Support is available to help students with expenses incurred in traveling to a professional meeting or conference. The intent of the support is to provide students with the opportunity to become actively involved in a professional organization as they pursue graduate school and other post-graduation plans. Students suported through this fund are expected to be actively involved in the proceedings of the conference they are attending. Active participation includes making oral presentations, submitting posters, or being part of a panel. In fine arts fields, active participation may include performance or exhibition of a new composition.