Dr. Roz Reichard awarded Elon Medallion

Dr. Rosalind Reichard, Dean of Sciences and Mathematics, was awarded the Elon Medallion in ceremonies held Feb. 17.

Dr. Reichard is leaving Elon to become vice president for academic affairs at Meredith College in Raleigh, N.C. President Leo M. Lambert paid tribute to Dr. Reichard for her 16 years of service to Elon in the text of the Elon Medallion proclamation:

The Elon Medallion

Rosalind R. Reichard

Whereas, Dr. Rosalind R. Reichard has been an exemplary and energetic faculty member and administrator during her 16 years at Elon College;

Whereas, As a model teacher-scholar Roz made important contributions to her field, while teaching both traditional and innovative college mathematics courses and communicating to her students her love of the discipline;

Whereas, Roz has fostered student academic achievement as director of the Undergraduate Research and Science Fellows programs, supervisor of the College Honors Program, coordinator of the Glaxo Wellcome Women in Science Scholarship Program and the Leaders for the 21st Century commencement ceremony, and organizer of the freshman honorary society Phi Eta Sigma;

Whereas, As chair of the Department of Mathematics, chair of the College’s SACS Self-Study Committee on Faculty Issues, member and chair of the Academic Council, and member of numerous other faculty committees, she gained a reputation for being open-minded, fair, and an independent thinker;

Whereas, Recognizing the importance of teaching and learning across disciplines, Roz played a key role in securing and administering for Elon two prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities grants for interdisciplinary curriculum development and, as part of the College’s planning committee, helped shape Elon’s General Studies curriculum;

Whereas, She has worked closely with other campus offices, traveling to recruit students and coordinating Scholarship Day with admissions personnel and developing with Institutional Advancement staff a proposal to The Kresge Foundation for a challenge grant which has yielded $2 million for Elon’s science program;

Whereas, As associate dean of academic affairs and dean of sciences and mathematics, she had primary responsibility for achieving the Elon Vision goal of an excellent program in the sciences and accordingly spearheaded the division’s long-range planning process, encouraged the enhancement of existing programs, aided in the development of new programs in engineering, physical therapy, and environmental studies, and oversaw the creation of McMichael Science Center from concept to completion;

Whereas, Noted for her ability to handle complex tasks with accuracy, thoroughness, and timeliness, Roz has ably accomplished what others would find daunting, including developing the academic transition plan which enabled a remarkably smooth move to the College’s new curriculum in 1994 and, in 1998, supervising an equally smooth move of the science program to McMichael Science Center;

Whereas, Roz’s commitment to her professional responsibilities is exceeded only by her devotion to her husband, Don, and sons, Steve and Jeff; therefore be it

Resolved, That Dr. Rosalind R. Reichard, for her loyalty and meritorious service to Elon College, be granted the Elon Medallion this 17th day of February 2000.

Leo M. Lambert
