A Will to Lead: a vital pipeline for Elon’s future

The importance of creating a robust pipeline of funding for Elon’s long-term future inspired members of the Elon community to make $46 million in estate and other planned gifts during the campaign.

$46 millionRaised
136Total gifts

Many donors made their Elon LEADS Campaign gifts as part of A Will to Lead, a special initiative of the campaign that encouraged alumni, parents and friends to establish a legacy at Elon by making a gift to the university in their estate plans to sustain Elon’s nationally recognized brand of high impact, engaged teaching and learning. Deferred gifts enable donors to make a significant impact on Elon’s future by providing funding for student scholarships and other university priorities.

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“A Will to Lead was one of the many success stories of the Elon LEADS Campaign,” says James B. Piatt Jr., Elon’s vice president for university advancement. “It was gratifying to see members of the Elon community rally around this key initiative because they understand the role that estate gifts play in building a bright future for all students.”

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