Periclean Scholars Class of 2009 call for applications

Periclean Scholars Program

Class of 2009

The Periclean Scholars Program is currently accepting applications for the Class of 2009.

The program provides learning experiences that prepare students to be global citizens and informed leaders while developing an ethic of work and service.

First-year students chosen to join the next class of Periclean Scholars take special courses in their sophomore, junior, and senior years that center around a class project they have devised and developed. This project enables them to address global concerns and understand the complexity of global issues and problems. Ultimately, the project empowers students to understand their responsibility to the global community, while offering practical ways to enact their social and ethical philosophies.

Students are chosen through a rigorous selection process. They need to have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, and submit both a letter of recommendation from their GST 110 professor and a letter of application described below. Students wishing to apply should submit the following to Steve Braye, 2610 Campus Box, by Friday, 17 March, 2006:

1. Letter of Application.

This letter should include your GPA as of Winter 2006 and a major, if you have declared one.

In the letter, describe the specific skills you would bring to the Class. Do you have a strong background in video, computers, foreign language, or art? Accounting, economics, or public speaking? Are you mechanical? Think of things that you would offer the class that would be of great use as we work as a team toward some significant goals.

Finally, talk about your passion for joining the program. Why would you be an

asset to the Class? What about the program have you found attractive? Why are you willing to spend the next three years engaged in this program?

2. Recommendation from GST 110: The Global Experience Professor

Ask your Global professor to write a letter recommending you for the program.

This letter can be submitted directly to Steve Braye, 2610 Campus Box.

All applications will be reviewed by Steve Braye, who will be working with the Class of 2009, Michael Frontani, who works with the Class of 2008, Tom Arcaro, Director of Project Pericles, and students representing the Classes of 2006, 2007, and 2008. Students will be notified early in April so that they can register for the sophomore-level Periclean course during Fall Pre-Registration.

If you have questions, please contact Steve Braye (, 278-5651, or Tom Arcaro (, 278-6442. If you would like further information on the Periclean Scholars program, please visit us on the web at