Interested in art, literature, film, theater? Check out the new Arts & Letters Learning Community

The Arts & Letters Learning Community: Home of Elon’s Alternative Culture

Closet artist, writer or filmmaker? Or simply a lover of the “cultural arts”: literature, film, painting, theater and sculpture. Poetry that’s not by Jewel. Music that’s not on MTV. Movies that don’t star Hilary Duff.

Come live with open-minded, alternative-thinking, culturally aware students in the new Arts & Letters Learning Community, an atmosphere for students to express and explore liberal thinking, creativity and artistic interests or skills. It’s located in Chandler 201 (6-person suite with common room) and Chandler 202 (9-person suite).


Go to to find out more about applying online for a Learning Community (before Feb. 28 deadline).

Students must show an interest in the liberal arts, either by majoring in an artistic field or the humanities (art, English, film, music, theater, philosophy, poli sci, history, etc.), or by simply enjoying and getting involved in the arts.


• Going to film festivals like Flickerfest

• Coordinating a campus reading/coffee house series

• Helping to educate other progressive thinkers, artists and writers

• Attending music shows, gallery and museum tours, speakers/lectures, plays, etc. on campus as well as in Chapel Hill, Greensboro, or Raleigh/ Durham.

• Working collaboratively across arts/genres with students & faculty


Professor Michael Fels ( ), Professor Tita Ramirez (, Professor Drew Perry (

The New Arts and Letters Learning Community: Alt Elon At Its Best