Career Moves: Gianna Carosella’s journey from scholar to esquire

Follow Gianna Carosella's remarkable journey from undergraduate student to aspiring attorney as she navigates the challenging terrain of law school admissions with the support of Elon University's Student Professional Development Center (SPDC).

Gianna Carosella ‘24, a political science major with a minor in criminal justice from Pennsylvania, is the last student this semester to be featured in the “Career Moves” series that highlights the achievements of Elon students who credit staff in Elon’s Student Professional Development Center to help achieve their professional goals.

Carosella recently answered questions from the SPDC about her experience.

Gianna Carosella ’24

As the academic year unfolds, stories of triumph and achievement permeate the campus atmosphere. Among these narratives, the journey of Gianna Carosella ’24 stands out as a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the invaluable support offered by Elon University’s Student Professional Development Center (SPDC). From her hometown in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Carosella embarked on a path toward law school, guided by unwavering determination and fortified by the collaborative efforts of dedicated mentors.

Carosella set her sights on pursuing a legal career early. Her steadfast ambition led her to engage extensively with career services, seeking guidance as she navigated the intricate maze of law school admissions. “When I started applying to colleges, I knew I wanted to go directly to law school after receiving my undergraduate degree,” she said.

Carosella’s mentor for her Summer 2022 internship was Associate Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies Elisha Savchak-Trogdon, Elon’s pre-law adviser. After discussing her pre-law path with Savchak-Trogdon, Carosella found additional support and direction from René Jackson, associate director of career services for graduate school programs and a stalwart figure at the SPDC. Their partnership blossomed into a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights, as Carosella meticulously crafted her path towards law school. “With lots of ideas on where to take my law school essays, I needed guidance from someone who knew what graduate school admissions offices were looking for,” Carosella said.

The collaborative journey between Carosella and Jackson epitomizes the essence of mentorship, characterized by patience, resilience and unwavering support. Despite the hurdles encountered along the way, including the daunting task of crafting compelling supplemental essays, Carosella persevered, buoyed by Jackson’s encouragement and constructive feedback. “I was struggling to come up with topics for my supplemental essays,” she said, “but René remained patient with me and provided helpful, constructive feedback.”

The culmination of Carosella’s efforts was an array of achievements including acceptances to seven prestigious law schools, each accompanied by generous scholarships. Among these accolades, Villanova Law emerged as Carosella’s beacon of hope, offering not only a distinguished academic environment but also proximity to her cherished hometown. “I’m excited to embark on this new chapter at Villanova Law, knowing that Elon has laid a strong foundation for my legal education,” she said.

As Carosella begins her transition to law school, her journey serves as a testament to the transformative power of mentorship and perseverance. Her advice to fellow students echoes the sentiment of gratitude and empowerment, urging them to leverage the resources offered by the SPDC. “The office is an amazing free resource Elon offers,” she said, “and will be extremely helpful to you when applying to internships, jobs, grad school, etc.”

Carosella’s narrative embodies the ethos of resilience, ambition and collaboration that defines the Elon experience. Through her journey, she exemplifies the profound impact of mentorship on personal and professional growth, inspiring generations of students to pursue their aspirations with unwavering determination. As Carosella embarks on her next chapter, she leaves behind a legacy of excellence, a guiding star illuminating the path for future generations of Elon graduates.