NC Lawyer Magazine spotlights Elon Law expert on trade secrecy

Professor David S. Levine shared insights into the emergence of artificial intelligence, his passion for teaching students, and the evolution of his successful "Hearsay Culture" podcast radio show.

A widely read publication of the North Carolina Bar Association has featured an Elon University School of Law scholar whose expertise in trade secrecy and intellectual property have made him a sought-after source by media covering the rise of artificial intelligence.

In addition to his reflections on artificial intelligence, Professor David S. Levine also spoke at length about his legal career, his interest in mentoring law students, and the history of the radio podcast he established while at Stanford University and is now expanding into a network.

“Hearsay Culture” Podcast Founder David Levine Discusses New Research, AI And More was published online on May 22, 2024. From the interview with Jessica Junqueira of the North Carolina Bar Association:

“It’s an incredibly exciting, if unnerving and uncertain, time to be training future attorneys. Without respect for the rule of law and the lawyers and judges who apply it, our country is done. It’s a privilege that I cherish, and I’m grateful to be able to do my part to help teach future lawyers and maintain and improve the profession that I love.”

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Levine joined the Elon Law faculty in 2009 and has developed an international reputation for his legal research. An affiliate scholar at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, he also was a fellow at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy from 2014-2017.

He co-authored the 2019 textbook “Information Law, Governance, and Cybersecurity.” In recognition of his scholarly work, Levine was named the Jennings Professor and Emerging Scholar at Elon Law for 2017-2019. Most recently,

Levine was recently named a fellow at the University of Milan’s Information Society Law Center.