Elon’s Chris Harris gives advice to MarketWatch about repaying student loans

Elon Associate Professor of Finance Chris Harris spoke to MarketWatch about best practices for repaying your student loan debt.

With millions of Americans facing student loan debt, Elon University Associate Professor of Finance Chris Harris offered his advice to MarketWatch for those repaying their loans.

Man smiles at camera
Elon Associate Professor Chris Harris

The MarketWatch Guides report details the impact of student loan debt and offers advice from multiple experts on how students can manage their debt.

“Having student loans doesn’t have to be a ‘forever burden,’” said Harris. “Everyone can create a plan to eliminate them more quickly. It may mean making some sacrifices in the short term, but the relief of being able to move forward with life will feel worth it.”

Harris is the chair of the finance department at Elon. He has a passion for finance, specifically in understanding how individuals and companies manage the finite resources they have available to them. Harris enjoys teaching classes that help students understand how companies make financial decisions, and how individuals can make wise financial decisions to achieve major financial goals. He previously worked as a hedge fund analyst with Greenwich Alternative Investments.