Elon Law students named to Moot Court Board

Twenty-nine students in the Class of 2025 will participate in upcoming national contests and help coordinate Elon Law's own Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition.

The following Elon Law students have been named to the Moot Court Board for the 2024-25 and first half of the 2025-26 academic years:

  • Rebecca Bailey
  • Ashley Clayton
  • Alexis Croce
  • Landon Eckard
  • April Franklin
  • Madison Gilbert
  • Kelsey Greene
  • Adriana Hernandez
  • Lillie Kieken
  • Justin Kremer
  • Sadie Lambert
  • Caroline Lohn
  • McKenna Longo
  • Yates May
  • Marcella McIntyre
  • Ashley Myers
  • Harrison Nugent
  • Saniya Pangare
  • Gabriella Reynolds
  • Hanna Riley
  • Cameron Riordan
  • Taylor Rockwood
  • William Rowe
  • Sarah Ruffin
  • Darci Sharpe
  • Ann Sheppard
  • Tyler Sherrill
  • Hannah Thompson
  • Karrington Wallace

Board members were selected based on a combination of their performance in Elon Law’s Spring 2024 Intramural Moot Court Competition, appellate brief writing in their spring Legal Method and Communication course, and their overall academic record.

New members will work with established members from the Class of 2024 to host October’s Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition before helping to organize the 2025 Elon Law Intramural Moot Court Competition and next fall’s Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition.

Members will also represent Elon Law in external competitions this fall and in future trimesters. The newest cohort joins with current board members who graduate in December (see a complete list of Moot Court Board members).

“New Board members have already made contributions to the law school by presenting appellate argument demonstrations to first-year students during their one-of-a-kind Introduction to the Study and Practice of Law course,” said Vice Dean Alan Woodlief, director of Elon Law’s Moot Court Program. “I am excited to work with them and our 3L Board members as they host this fall’s 15th Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competitions and compete in tournaments across the country.”