Articles by Anthony Crider

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Tony Crider appointed to advisory board

June 23, 2011

Tony Crider, associate professor and chair of Physics, has recently been elected to a three-year term on the national Reacting Advisory Board. This board oversees development and publication of the Reacting to the Past series.

Tony Crider and Megan Squire present at AAC&U conference

March 23, 2011

Tony Crider, an associate professor of physics, and Megan Squire, an associate professor of computing sciences, led a workshop titled "Reacting to the Past: The Pluto Debate" on March 25 at a conference on Engaged STEM Learning: From Promising to Pervasive Practices.

Tony Crider presents games for general studies classes

February 28, 2011

Associate Professor of Physics Tony Crider was the featured speaker at a regional Reacting to the Past conference held Feb. 25-27 at Newman University. In his opening talk, "Reacting to the Past and General Studies Classes," he addressed how role-playing games can be used in a variety of ways in the undergraduate general studies curriculum.

Department of Physics hosts conference with faculty presenting

April 19, 2010

The Department of Physics hosted a joint meeting April 16-17, 2010, of the North Carolina Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers and Zone 5 of the Society of Physics Students. More than 114 physics professors, high school teachers and students from the Carolinas attended.