Articles by Dan Anderson
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Innovation in Instruction Conference set for August 20
August 20, 2009
Elon will host the Innovation in Instruction Conference on Thursday, August 20, for North Carolina educators from Elon and the surrounding area who are interested in broadening their knowledge and fine-tuning methods in challenging and unknown areas of teaching. Innovation in Instruction is Elon’s sixth annual summer conference, a free, all-day workshop with sessions covering a wide range of topics.
Elon earns top national honors in annual US News & World Report rankings
August 20, 2009
Elon University continues its position of national prominence in the 2010 “America’s Best Colleges” rankings released Aug. 20 by US News & World Report. Again this year, Elon is named by the magazine as the top “up-and-coming” university in the nation on a list of 77 schools that are “leading the pack in improvements and innovative changes.” And in a new US News ranking, Elon is ranked among the nation’s top schools for its strong faculty commitment to undergraduate teaching.
Special message to students regarding H1N1 flu
August 18, 2009
As Elon prepares for the opening of the 2009-10 academic year, students are asked to read this message in preparation for a potential outbreak of the H1N1 flu on campus.
New fall BioBus schedule includes new depots
August 17, 2009
The Elon BioBus schedule includes several new changes designed to improve safety and relieve traffic and pedestrian congestion. Read this note for details.
Special message to parents regarding H1N1 flu virus
August 17, 2009
As Elon prepares for the opening of the 2009-10 academic year, Smith Jackson, vice president for student life and dean of students, has prepared a special communication regarding steps the campus community is taking to deal with a possible outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus.
New Student Orientation 2009 schedule
August 16, 2009
New student orientation begins Friday, Aug. 28, when members of the Class of 2013 begin moving into residence halls. Read this note for highlights of the orientation schedule and to download the full schedule in PDF format.
Carolina Biological features Elon Academy in video
August 11, 2009
Carolina Biological Supply, a Burlington, N.C., company that provides materials to the Elon Academy, has produced a video highlighting the science work of faculty member Mat Gendle, assistant professor of psychology.
Spring 09: Elon awards honorary doctorate to alumnus Noel Allen
August 6, 2009
Noel Lee Allen, a 1969 Elon alumnus whose distinguished legal career has won international accolades, received an honorary doctor of humane letters during Elon University’s Convocation for Honors on March 31. The degree was conferred by President Leo M. Lambert and presented by John G. Sullivan, professor emeritus of philosophy.
Spring 09: Ever Elon Campaign kicks off in New York City
August 6, 2009
More than 250 alumni, parents and friends gathered at The Plaza Hotel in Manhattan March 9 for the New York launch of Ever Elon: The Campaign for the Future of Our University.
Railroad tunnel construction to require road closures beginning Aug. 13
August 5, 2009
Work will begin August 13 on a pedestrian tunnel under the railroad tracks running through the Elon campus, providing a walkway between main campus and South Campus. During the construction period, portions of Lebanon and Trollinger avenues will be closed to traffic, affecting daily traffic patterns on and around the Elon campus. Read this note to see a map of the upcoming road closure area.