Articles by Thomas Arcaro

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Arcaro shares Periclean Scholars model with Orange County leaders

July 1, 2011

On June 29th Tom Arcaro, Director of Project Pericles, was an invited speaker at the quarterly meeting of Orange County civic leaders. His talk "Civic Engagement Pathways: The Periclean Scholars Model" led to a productive discussion about the role of higher education in preparing the next generation of civic leaders.

Faith and Politics: the New Atheism’s impact on politics

February 15, 2011

Dr. Tom Arcaro and junior sociology major Emily Wappes were invited speakers at Twin Lakes Retirement Center on Friday, February 7th. They spoke about "Faith and Politics: the New Atheism's impact on politics" as part of an ongoing enrichment series for residents. To put their comments in context, Wappes and Arcaro presented data from Arcaro's international research on the demographics and views of atheists. A spirited discussion followed their presentation.