A case study of a North Carolina mill community from Elon librarians at the St. Louis Fed
November 22, 2022
Jesse Akman and Betty Garrison present at Beyond The Numbers Conference at the St. Louis Federal Reserve, a biennial conference that addresses the challenges of economic information.
Betty Garrison publishes article on the data research habits of economics undergraduate students
January 22, 2019
The article by Garrison, business reference librarian and assistant librarian, was published in Reference & User Services Quarterly.
Faculty Research Series panel discussion focuses on finding the right publisher
November 20, 2017
The Faculty Research Series co-chairs Pamela Winfield and Mina Garcia hosted a panel discussion “Finding the Right Fit for Your Scholarship” on Nov. 15. The panelists focused on choosing the right publisher for the right audience and personal experience and advice for writing and publishing.
Betty Garrison and Teresa LePors present at Metrolina Library Conference
June 14, 2016
The Belk Library staff members spoke June 9 about the impact of change during a time of transition in an academic library