Articles by Colin Donohue

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We, the people, own rights to our records

March 16, 2011

From the Charlotte Observer (3/13/11): Those who work for our government don't own the government. We, the people, do. The government is us. And we - not government workers, not elected officials - own information our government collects while it carries out our business.

Sunshine, the government and you

March 15, 2011

From the Charlotte Observer (3/13/11): When the City Council meeting ended, all the council members filed into Charlotte Mayor John Belk's office. They wanted to talk in private about building a parking garage. Observer reporter Bill Arthur plunked down on the couch.

Charlotte Observer: Fighting the dangers of government secrecy

March 15, 2011

From the Charlotte Observer (3/2/11): Few things are more dangerous to a free society than government secrecy. A government that operates outside the public's watchful eye gets into all kinds of mischief, none of it with the greater public good in mind.

Tribune wins privacy ruling against U. of I.

March 15, 2011

From the Chicago Tribune (3/9/11): A federal judge has concluded that a federal privacy act does not bar the University of Illinois from releasing information about hundreds of college applicants who appeared on an internal list of well-connected students, the basis for the Chicago Tribune's 2009 "Clout Goes to College" investigation.

Faculty, graduate students attending SXSW conference

March 10, 2011

Elon University Interactive Media graduate students and faculty members will participate in sessions and document the events of the South By Southwest Conference, a popular interactive media and music conference celebrating its 25th year, in Austin, Texas, March 11-15.