Articles by Colin Donohue

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Wilson Times: Settlement Gets Green Light

September 14, 2010

From the Wilson Times (9/1/10): The city of Wilson ended a yearlong court battle this week after fighting the release of public information about its Greenlight broadband system.

Wilson Times: Secrecy doesn’t serve Greenlight, public

September 14, 2010

From the Wilson Times (8/31/10): It's not clear what city leaders sought to gain from a year of bulling with cable companies and refusing to release a document that spelled out how Wilson intended to expand Greenlight, its public broadband system.

Lincoln Tribune: Yadkin Commission May Have Violated Open Meetings Law

September 8, 2010

From the Lincoln Tribune (9/1/10): Yadkin County commissioners took the first steps Monday toward a possible investigation of the county Health Department, whose director recently announced he will retire. But the commission's initial moves were not posted on a public agenda beforehand, a potential violation of the state's Open Meetings Act. Moreover, the board's attorney was not present at the meeting.

Daily Reflector: Pre-agenda meetings violate spirit of meetings law

September 8, 2010

From the Greenville Daily Reflector (9/2/10): The Pitt County Board of Commissioners may well be within its legal right to hold pre-agenda meetings to discuss items set for discussion at an ensuing "official" session. The gatherings are meant to be informal and are open to the public, so they are likely to meet the letter of North Carolina's open meetings statute.