Articles by Colin Donohue
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Communications student presents SURE research
July 23, 2010
A School of Communications student was one of more than 30 Elon undergraduates who gave their Summer Undergraduate Research Experience final presentations July 23 in the Koury Business Center.
Daily Reflector: NC judge allows agency to retain texts to trooper
July 22, 2010
From the Greenville Daily Reflector (7/22/10): A North Carolina judge says a state agency can withhold flirty text messages a former high-ranking Highway Patrol officer received from his assistant.
Wilkes Journal-Patriot: Authority tells pay, but not how people voted
July 22, 2010
From the Wilkes Journal-Patriot (7/21/10): Officials of the North Wilkesboro Housing Authority (NWHA) have released salary information for both the current and past executive director as requested by the Wilkes Journal-Patriot. The board's attorney, however, maintains that the vote taken in a closed session on May 25 to terminate the contract of Keith Deveraux, the authority's former executive director, was permissible under state general statutes. The publishers of the Wilkes Journal-Patriot dispute that and contend that the closed session vote was in direct violation of state open meetings laws as set forth in the state general statutes.
Spring Hope Enterprise: Love texts not public records
July 22, 2010
From the Spring Hope Enterprise (7/20/10): Fighting for open government is a never-ending, often frustrating, and usually complicated battle especially when it comes to electronic records. North Carolina media, especially newspapers, have fought hard and courageously on behalf of average citizens to ensure that government records that have been accessible to the public in traditional formats, such as paper documents, don't disappear behind a wall of secrecy just because they are now in digital databases.
Daily Reflector: NC media sue to release flirting texts to trooper
July 22, 2010
From the Greenville Daily Reflector (7/20/10): A North Carolina judge is considering if personal text messages a former high-ranking Highway Patrol officer recieved from his assistant are public records that must be released.
N.C. Open Government Coalition raises final $250,000 to meet matching grant from Knight Foundation
July 21, 2010
The North Carolina Open Government Coalition, a nonpartisan organization housed at Elon University that educates people about their rights and supports their efforts to gain access to government meetings and records, announced today it has raised an endowment to support its Sunshine Center.
Paul Parsons Leads Sessions in South Africa
July 21, 2010
Paul Parsons, professor and dean of the School of Communications, led the administrative sessions for delegates attending the World Journalism Education Congress in South Africa on July 4-7.
Janna Anderson leads event at WorldFuture 2010 conference
July 20, 2010
Janna Anderson, associate professor in the School of Communications, led a special event on issues tied to hyperconnectivity, Web 3.0, cloud computing, user-generated content, social networks, ubiquitous computing and ambient intimacy, and augmented and virtual realities at the WorldFuture 2010 conference hosted by the World Future Society in Boston July 9.
Elon in NYC: ‘Never Norman Rockwell’ show July 24
July 19, 2010