Articles by Colin Donohue

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Intern Insider: Nneka Enurah broadens her professional view in Los Angeles

July 11, 2010

Nneka Enurah didn't spend her July 4 holiday like most people out in Los Angeles. She didn't make her way to one of the dozens of fireworks displays or partake in a cookout. She really didn't celebrate at all. Instead, she hung back at her internship with the Fox Broadcasting Corporation, shadowing the vice president of sports in the studio.

Elon in Los Angeles receives a PR lift

July 9, 2010

Students in the Elon in Los Angeles program have been running a simulated production company, dubbed "Climbing the LAdder," for the last three summers. In year one, only a production class was offered. Last year, an acting course was added, and the company began to expand and take shape.