Articles by Colin Donohue

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Wilmington Star-News: The public has a right to know why public employees are fired

April 21, 2010

From the Wilmington Star-News (4/18/10): State education officials are finally working to make it tougher for incompetent or immoral teachers to keep getting jobs in North Carolina. But even as they propose requiring more information in the teacher licensing process, they advocate keeping those facts secret from the public.

Raleigh Telegram: Q-A: When Are Public Official E-mails Public?

April 21, 2010

From the Raleigh Telegram (4/8/10): After a recent lawsuit in North Carolina where a public official successfully defended against a lawsuit from an online newspaper that had requested a copy of an e-mail that was characterized as "personal," we asked Raleigh media attorney John Bussian some questions about the topic.

Sang Nam presents at Diversity Leadership Conference

April 12, 2010

Sang Nam, an assistant professor in the School of Communications, presented at Elon University's Diversity Leadership Conference April 9-10 in a session titled "Understanding Diversity: What does it mean to be Asian-American?"