Articles by Colin Donohue

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Macon News: Airport Authority: Closed meeting was not in violation

August 27, 2009

From the Macon County News (8/27/09): Alarm bells went off when it was learned that an unannounced, closed meeting had been held with representatives of the county Airport Authority, the state Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration in attendance.

Harlen Makemson Presents Research about His Book at FRD Session

August 27, 2009

Harlen Makemson, an associate professor in the School of Communications, delivered a presentation of his research based on his book "Media, NASA, and America's Quest for the Moon" Aug. 27 in a session sponsored by the Faculty Research and Development committee, through which Makemson received some money to complete the work.

Harlen Makemson Presents Research about His Book at FR&D Session

August 27, 2009

Harlen Makemson, an associate professor in the School of Communications, delivered a presentation of his research based on his book “Media, NASA, and America’s Quest for the Moon” Aug. 27 in a session sponsored by the Faculty Research and Development committee, through which Makemson received some money to complete the work.

Harlen Makemson Presents Research about His Book at FR&D Session

August 27, 2009

Harlen Makemson, an associate professor in the School of Communications, delivered a presentation of his research based on his book "Media, NASA, and America’s Quest for the Moon" Aug. 27 in a session sponsored by the Faculty Research and Development committee, through which Makemson received some money to complete the work.

NCOG Summer Board Meeting Aug. 26

August 25, 2009

North Carolina Open Government Coalition President Hugh Stevens has called the summer board meeting for 2 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 26.

General Assembly session produces cacophony of sound with little results

August 25, 2009

(This story is by By Sandy Semans, Special to the Sunshine Center) This General Assembly's legislative actions pertaining to open government ended up amounting to lots of noise, but few finished symphonies. The Open Government Act was reintroduced this year, but again stalled before approval.