Articles by Colin Donohue

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Interactive Profiles: Recent Elon Grad Continues Education at Alma Mater

July 28, 2009

Shelley Russell is a thinker, a planner. She can envision the final product. She has an idea about what would look good on a page or a computer screen. And to a certain extent, she can complete some of the tasks--the writing and basic video editing, for example--needed to execute her visualization.

Star-News: Editorial: General Assembly holds officials liable for withholding public info

July 22, 2009

From the Wilmington Star-News (7/21/09): Given the choice many, if not most, government officials would choose to conduct their business in secret. Thankfully, the decision isn’t left up to them. Under North Carolina law, the presumption is that government documents and meetings are open to the public unless an exemption is specifically written into the law.

Intern Insider: Washington Post Intern Embraces Multimedia from a … Cave?

July 22, 2009

Ashley Barnas works in a cave. Well, not a literal cave, with the high, damp walls, the darkness, the things that go bump in the night. But a figurative one that's probably better defined as a little room in the middle of a larger newsroom. It's affectionately referred to as a cave, and the employees who work inside it have hung bats from the ceiling and drawn pictures of sunshine on the windowless walls.

Intern Insider: Acting Major Casts Herself behind the Camera

July 21, 2009

Casting isn't the glamorous position. It's just a name in a long list of credits. Certainly, the weight of a motion picture's success rests more on the visible shoulders of the movie stars and director. But put the wrong actors in the wrong parts, and a movie can fall apart. And it's that tension, that stress that invigorates Joanna Bateman.