Articles by Colin Donohue

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Pendulum Newspaper, Students Win SPJ Region 2 Awards

March 28, 2009

Editors from The Pendulum, Elon's student newspaper, were honored with Mark of Excellence awards for their work during the Society of Professional Journalists Region 2 conference in Arlington, Va., March 28.

News and Observer: Public records advice decried

March 27, 2009

From the Raleigh News and Observer (3/27/09): Members of the state legislature can't exempt themselves from the state's public records law, according to a Raleigh lawyer who also heads a coalition of groups advocating open government.

News and Record: State legislature lacks sufficient openness

March 24, 2009

From the Greensboro News and Record (3/24/09): Last year, news organizations battled then-Gov. Mike Easley for access to state agency e-mails. Electronic communications, like documents on paper, are public records. The people have a right to see them.