Articles by Colin Donohue

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A Red Flag Down on North Carolina Democracy

March 17, 2009

The story goes like this. Edmund Burke, 17th century politico and philosopher, visited parliament after the birth of newspapers. When he saw lords and commoners debating, he looked up into the gallery and noticed the newly formed press corps. He turned to his friend and remarked, “Ah … it’s the Fourth Estate.”

Tim McMahon Judges Silver Anvil Awards

March 16, 2009

Tim McMahon, an assistant professor in the School of Communications, was in New York on Friday, March 13, to judge the 2009 Silver Anvil Awards.

Charlotte Observer: N.C. spending is going online

March 15, 2009

From the Charlotte Observer (3/15/09): With the click of a mouse, you can see how much Alaska taxpayers spent for Gov. Sarah Palin to attend a conference. What Texas taxpayers paid for Gov. Rick Perry's lunch. Or the tab that Kansas taxpayers picked up at Sam's Club for Gov. Kathleen Sibelius. Cary To Let The Sunshine In

March 15, 2009

From (3/13/09): As part of its strong and ongoing commitment to openness and transparency, the Town of Cary is joining the nation March 15-21 in celebrating Sunshine Week - a national initiative to promote the importance of open government and freedom of information.

Janna Anderson Interviewed by Al Jazeera and WXII

March 15, 2009

Janna Anderson, associate professor and director of the Imagining the Internet Center, was interviewed by two broadcast news organizations as an expert commentator on the topics of broadband diffusion and the future of the Internet last week.