Articles by Colin Donohue

Page 190 of 210 Gov. Beverly Perdue signs first executive orders

January 14, 2009

From (1/12/09): Gov. Beverly Perdue followed through on pledges in her first weekday in office Monday by signing executive orders she said will reduce the power of political influence on road-building and fundraising for future gubernatorial campaigns.

Lambda Pi Eta Induction Ceremony on May 7

January 8, 2009

Lambda Pi Eta, the School of Communications Honor Society, will hold its induction ceremony at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 7 in McKinnon Hall in the Moseley Center.

Landesberg Blogging from EU Study Abroad Trip

January 2, 2009

Assistant professor Rich Landesberg will help lead a study abroad trip to Europe to study the past, present and future of the European Union during January. He will be maintaining a blog while traveling, which can be accessed at