Articles by Colin Donohue

Page 87 of 210

Raleigh News and Observer: Social secrecy

August 23, 2011

From the Raleigh News and Observer (8/19/11): In justifying recent private meetings of the new University of North Carolina system Board of Governors, the system's counsel conveniently rationalizes a closed-door meeting by saying ... it wasn't a meeting. No, system vice president Laura Luger said, a gathering of the board in Chapel Hill that was not open to the public was "outside the scope of an official meeting by all of its parameters."

Charlotte Observer: New UNC board has secretive get-together

August 18, 2011

From the Charlotte Observer (8/18/11): A gathering last week of the UNC Board of Governors was not open to the public, and notice of the event was not provided to the news media ahead of time - raising questions about whether the gathering violated the state's open meetings law.