Elon Students take their service abroad

February 7, 2006

A group of 24 students, two faculty and one staff member recently returned from a three-week Academic Service Learning course in Guatemala, where they worked with Habitat for Humanity building “simple and decent” housing. Details...

Winter Term course focuses on hurricane relief efforts

January 6, 2006

Some Elon University faculty and students took their Hurricane Katrina relief efforts one step further this month with a Winter Term course called “Volunteerism, Social Justice & Civic Engagement in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina.” Details...

Elon students have direct impact on two Hurricane Katrina victims

October 20, 2005

On Saturday afternoon of their fall break service trip, a team of 10 Elon students and two faculty members is dispatched to the property of Kim and Mark Uram, a middle-aged couple who lived just a few blocks from North Beach Boulevard in Bay St. Louis, Miss. Details…

Unusual service trip is a huge success

October 19, 2005

The Kernodle Center for Service Learning “Break for the Bay” fall service trip was a resounding success in several ways. Details…

‘Break for the Bay’ photo gallery

October 19, 2005

The “Break for the Bay” fall break service trip came to an end late Tuesday night when the Elon bus and vans carrying 32 students and eight faculty and staff members pulled into Elon’s Moseley Center parking lot. Details…

Red Hat CEO to Speak on Leadership, Jan. 12

January 12, 2005

Matthew Szulik, chairman, CEO and president of Raleigh-based software company Red Hat, will speak on “Leadership in the Technological Environment” at 3:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 12 in Whitley Auditorium on campus. Details...