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Student, alum earn national recreation awards

January 12, 2006

A current Elon student, Leslie Crowe, and 2001 graduate Cara Wise McFadden have been honored by the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA). Details...

Cartoonist Doug Marlette visits Elon

January 12, 2006

Pultizer Prize-winning cartoonist Doug Marlette shared some of his work and discussed his North Carolina family roots during a presentation Tuesday, Feb. 18 in Whitley Auditorium. Details...

Minister/actor to explore spirituality Feb. 26

January 12, 2006

Curran Reichert, a singer, actor and ordained minister, will explore the intersection of spirituality and the arts during a presentation at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 26 in Whitley Auditorium. Details...

Burkholder delivers Voices of Discovery lecture

January 12, 2006

JoAnn Burkholder, director of the Center for Applied Aquatic Ecology at North Carolina State University, discussed the environmental and political consequences of water toxins during the Voices of Discovery science lecture Wednesday, Feb. 19 in Whitley Auditorium...

Student wins award for video production

January 12, 2006

Laith Al-Majali has won a 2002 Aegis Award for a music video he produced about his native country of Jordan. Click here to read the story in Connections, the School of Communications' newsletter.