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Leadership expert to discuss career planning, life stages, March 12

March 15, 2008

A leading expert on career satisfaction will visit Elon University School of Law Wednesday, March 12 to discuss the various stages of life and how the roles people play relate to one another. David Campbell's presentation will take place at 2:40 p.m., in room 207 at the law school. Details...

Leadership expert discusses life’s competing roles during law school presentation

March 13, 2008

Parent. Worker. Leader. Family member. These are roles that almost everyone will take on during their lifetime, and many times these roles are played out simultaneously. David Campbell, the Smith Richardson Senior Fellow with the Center for Creative Leadership, discussed these roles and the stress they can cause during a presentation Wednesday, March 12 at Elon University School of Law. Details...

Passion, excitement are crucial to success, Melvin says

March 7, 2008

Former Greensboro mayor Jim Melvin told an audience at Greensboro's Empire Room Friday, March 7 that people enjoy making a difference and will support a project if it is rooted in a good idea. Melvin shared his perspectives on leadership and community involvement during the latest Joseph M. Bryan Distinguished Leadership Lecture Series program. Details...

CELEBRATE! week photo gallery

March 7, 2008

Hundreds of Elon students were involved in activities during Celebrate!, a week-long celebration of student achievements in academics and the arts. Follow this link for a photo gallery of the week's activities.

Bryan Lecture Series resumes with Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, Feb. 20

February 21, 2008

The Joseph M. Bryan Distinguished Leadership Lecture Series continues this spring with programs featuring Bonnie McElveen-Hunter (Feb. 20), Jim Melvin (March 7) and Jim Hunt (April 29). Each program will be moderated by John Alexander, Isabella Cannon Distinguished Professor of Leadership. Details...