Articles by Danielle Lake
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The Power and Place Collaborative awarded $20K to support ‘Spaces of Faith and Spiritual Diversity’ project
September 19, 2023
The grant will fund the Power and Place Collaborative's “Stories of Alamance County: Spaces of Faith and Spiritual Diversity" project and kicks off efforts with a county-wide dialogue.
Design thinking course helps M.Ed. students build bridges between Power + Place Storytellers and local youth this summer
August 4, 2023
The Power + Place Collaborative and M. Ed. students in 7460 Design Thinking connected youth to the power of sharing stories and connecting with the surrounding community.
Taking it a Step Further: How Elon By Design has crafted community partnerships for mutual benefit
June 27, 2023
After four years of considerable growth, Elon By Design is expanding its consulting practice to nonprofit organizations, local school districts, healthcare providers, higher education institutions, and beyond, solving real world problems and having large scale impact on communities.
The Center for Design Thinking supports faculty and staff projects from across campus
May 10, 2023
The Center for Design Thinking Supports Faculty and Staff Projects from across Campus through their 2023 Community of Practice.
Jam-packed month of design thinking this Winter Term
May 5, 2023
Exciting things are happening in the Center for Design Thinking this January with 15 students learning to harness the power of design thinking to support four diverse client projects.
The Center for Design Thinking expands its consulting work into Greensboro
April 11, 2023
The Center for Design Thinking expands its consulting work into Greensboro with the non-profit Safer City Greensboro, an organization that aims to support its commitment to inclusive community engagement.
Design Forge 2023 to focus on ‘intergenerational community-building’ this week
February 17, 2023
From March 29-31, the Design Forge will share stories and strategies for cultivating intergenerational design projects that foster pluralistic, participatory communities.
The Center for Design Thinking launches ‘Mentoring Constellations’ workshop
November 11, 2022
The workshop is making a difference for Elon and Alamance County communities and is specially designed to help participants generate a mentoring constellation, explore opportunities for enhancing their connections and leave with next-step strategies for cultivating a lifelong network of support.
The Power and Place Collaborative launches new partnerships this fall
October 16, 2022
The Power and Place Collaborative invites the Elon community to two Building Bridges community events this fall on Nov. 9 and Dec. 3.
Masters of Education Design Thinking students connect Burlington youth to local histories and the power of story
July 14, 2022
In partnership with the Power and Place Collaborative and Burlington Summer Youth Camps, Elon Master of Education students connected over 200 Burlington youth through design thinking workshops on the power of sharing stories and connecting to our communities.