Articles by Eric Townsend

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Elon junior medals at international jump rope tournament

December 8, 2008

Elon junior John Schimmelfing finished with a silver medal in Masters at this summer's South African International Jump Rope Tournament in Capetown, South Africa. The chemistry major earned gold medals in freestyle and power and a bronze in speed.

Martha Peters presents at ABA conference

December 5, 2008

Marty Peters, a professor of legal education at the Elon University School of Law, made a series of presentations in October at the American Bar Association’s “Bar Passage Conference: Outcome Measures and Student Achievement,” a national conference on bar pass issues.

Elon students ask NBC to interrupt the Super Bowl

December 4, 2008

Students who worked the front lines during Wilmington, North Carolina’s early switch to digital television are asking NBC president Jeff Zucker to interrupt the Super Bowl with a 30-second message from the Federal Communications Commission in the lead up to the nationwide transition on February 17, 2009.

Labyrinth and garden focus of College Chapel

December 4, 2008

A meditation garden and labyrinth next to Holt Chapel was celebrated this week at College Chapel, where University Chaplain Richard McBride gave thanks to the family of an alumna whose gift in 2007 helped establish the newly completed campus feature.

Tony Weaver appointed to panel for NACMA

December 3, 2008

Tony Weaver, an assistant professor of leisure and sport management, has been appointed to the Professors Panel for the National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators (NACMA). 

Undergraduate research journal thrives at Elon

December 2, 2008

Issues in Political Economy, an undergraduate research journal co-published by Elon University, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, where several students have used the annual publication as a springboard to graduate studies in some of the nation’s premiere economic programs.

Faith Rivers James presents research to N.C. General Assembly committee

December 2, 2008

Faith Rivers, an associate professor of law, a made a Dec. 1 presentation to the Partition Sales Study Committee of the North Carolina General Assembly. Rivers was invited to discuss the key concepts in her recent article "Inequity in Equity: The Tragedy of Tenancy in Common for Heirs' Property Owners Facing Partition in Equity."

Elon faculty trends covered by Inside Higher Ed

December 2, 2008

Inside Higher Ed, an online daily news source covering American colleges and universities, reported Dec. 2 on Elon University’s efforts in recent years to increase the total number and percentage of faculty in tenure or tenure-track positions.