Articles by Eric Townsend

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POWER Less Energy Competition – Week 6

April 4, 2008

Students on campus have cut back their electricity use more in the past week than at any time to date in the 2008 POWER Less Energy Competition. The building results are positive for the first time as well. 

RecycleMania 2008 results for Weeks 7 & 8

April 2, 2008

The push is on for Elon students, faculty and staff to surpass the amount of material recycled in the 2008 nationwide RecycleMania competition over levels measured during last year's contest between hundreds of colleges and universities. More than 82,000 pounds of material have been recycled through Week 8.

POWER Less Energy Competition – Week 5

April 2, 2008

The week of Spring Break helped every residential building on campus show a drop in energy use during Week 5 of a seven-week university competition that encourages students and staff to reduce power use.