Articles by Eric Townsend

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Plight of Ugandan children is focus of Elon student group

December 31, 2007

A group dedicated to the education of Ugandan children is today one of the fastest-growing student organizations on campus. The Elon chapter of “Invisible Children” has raised more than $5,200 in the past year to sponsor a secondary school in the war-ravaged African nation.

Alzheimer’s focus of work by Elon professor

December 31, 2007

Researchers led by an Elon University associate professor have identified in walnuts at least two molecules that may hold the key to better treating, if not completely reversing, the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, a fatal type of dementia that diminishes memory and affects behavior in older adults.

Elon alumna wins Rotary scholarship

December 31, 2007

A recent Elon University graduate has been named the recipient of a 2008 Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship, an award that will help in her graduate studies of documentary film production with a focus on social justice and women’s rights.

Professor studies roots of war in Sudan

December 31, 2007

After decades of civil war, a fragile peace exists today in the southern Sudan.  While people have hoped that the peace accord there could serve as a model for ending genocide in the African nation's western province of Darfur, there are growing fears that calm in the south could unravel.  One Elon professor has shown that sources of hostility for the Sudan have deep historical roots.

Kernodle Center project to help Honduran children

December 28, 2007

Elon students and faculty are planning a trip to the second-poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere to help build what one trip leader dubbed “a mini Honduran Wal-Mart.” Proceeds from the trip benefit a charity that aids impoverished children.

Elon leads county in Red Cross blood donations

December 27, 2007

Elon University has once again been named the top organization in Alamance County for the amount of blood its students, staff and faculty donate to the American Red Cross. And the Red Cross continues to look for more donors during the holidays, a time when blood supplies everywhere begin to dwindle.

Elon student collects “Little Things” for charity

December 13, 2007

The shampoo vials you took from the hotel at the beach last summer? Samantha Tremblay wants ‘em. She'll also take the free shower caps and hand soap. Tremblay, an Elon senior, is the driving force behind a nonprofit that collects toiletries for impoverished families. And she’s trying to expand her reach.

NASCAR and God: Exploring the link between racing and religion

December 12, 2007

He “wrote like a maniac” for a year until his pen spun out with a bad case of writer’s block. But after accepting an offer to join Elon University's religious studies department in 2005, L.D. Russell hit the literary gas pedal once more. His finished work, “Godspeed: Racing is My Religion,” explores how NASCAR can be a religious experience for its fans – just like it is for him.