Articles by Eric Townsend
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Elon University Poll: Public lacks trust in Congress, Bush
November 16, 2007
A majority of residents in the southeastern United States disapprove of
the way President George W. Bush handles his job, according to the
latest Elon University Poll, and nearly the same percentage of people
indicated little or no confidence in Congress.
Elon Poll finds Clinton, Giuliani lead packs
November 16, 2007
New York Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign to be the Democratic
presidential nominee in 2008 continues to strengthen across the South
Atlantic region of the country with more than double the support from
Democrats than her closest rivals, according to the latest Elon
University Poll. Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, is the current favorite for the Republican nomination.
Candlelight vigil set for missing alumnus on Nov. 15
November 15, 2007
The Elon community is invited to a vigil Thursday night for students, faculty and alumni to pray for the safe return of Kyle Fleischmann, a 2006 university graduate and former Kappa Alpha fraternity officer who vanished in Charlotte nearly a week ago.
Elon wins award for international education
November 13, 2007
Elon University is one of four colleges and universities across the
nation honored with the 2007 Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus
Internationalization, which recognizes schools that infuse
international education into their studies and classroom culture.
Elon students attend national microfinance summit
November 13, 2007
Nelson has column published in Times-News on Veterans Day
November 12, 2007
Federal official on community service visits Elon
November 9, 2007
As a growing number of young people volunteer in their communities to
solve problems, David Eisner, who oversees AmeriCorps and
SeniorCorps as a presidential appointee, believes the future is bright
for national service programs.
Gandhi to Elon students: Create world ‘where peace and harmony prevail’
November 9, 2007
Economic disparities between the United States and Third World nations fuel terrorism against the West, according to a grandson of
Mahatma Gandhi, and he believes the world is tired of the “superpower
mentality” that defines American foreign policy.
Elon MBA program earns #12 national ranking in BusinessWeek magazine
November 8, 2007
BusinessWeek magazine ranked Elon University the best school in North Carolina, and #12 in the nation, in its inaugural list of top part-time MBA programs, a distinction that one official called "an endorsement of the quality of our students."