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Charlotte media sue for access to secret court records on police cellphone tracking
November 2, 2014
The Charlotte Observer and WBTV on Friday filed a motion in Mecklenberg County Superior Court seeking access to court files related to Charlotte-Mecklenberg Police Department's use of StingRay technology, which mimics cellphone towers and allows police to track cellphone use. The court files have remained sealed at the police's request, and the records go back to 2006.
UNC Chapel Hill launches public records site
October 27, 2014
As part of the university's response to a long-running academic and athletic scandal, it launched a new public records tracking website Wednesday. The public can see what requests have been made of the university.
Burlington newspaper sues Alamance schools
October 27, 2014
The Times-News: On Friday, the Burlington Times-News filed a public records lawsuit against Alamance-Burlington School System over minutes from closed meetings that led to the resignation of Superintendent Lillie Cox. The newspaper requested the meeting minutes in early October. The school system claims they are confidential. Closed session minutes become public once their release would not frustrate the purpose of the closed session.
Asheville decision to fly gay pride flag draws open meetings complaint
October 13, 2014
A two-story gay pride flag was hung from Asheville City Hall Thursday in anticipation of a historic civil rights ruling. The city council apparently approved the display outside of a public meeting and the decision has drawn an open meetings complaint.
Boone group requests mediation over records dispute
October 8, 2014
Watauga Democrat: A recently formed nonprofit has hit multiple hurdles after requesting records related to a Boone water intake project on the New River. The group is now asking for mediation over the dispute.
Public records lawsuit filed over Appalachian State professor's emails
October 8, 2014
Watauga Democrat: A Watauga GOP leader requested emails of a professor, who is active in Democratic politics, in October 2013. The university says the dealy is a result of the size of the request, which covers more than 19,000 emails.
Charter school refuses to turn over salary information to state
October 3, 2014
StarNews: The same information was the subject of a public records request from the StarNews, which has since sued to get access.
Greensboro panel discusses relationship of police videos and public records
October 1, 2014
The City of Greensboro considers video collected by body worn cameras to be personnel records of the individual officers. The panel discussion was intended to spur discussion about possible changes to the public records law.
State Ethics Commission seeking comment on inclusion of contact information in disclosure forms
September 30, 2014
Earlier this year the ethics commission pulled its online portal of disclosure forms over privacy concerns from public officials. The deadline to comment is Oct. 3
Greensboro discussion on police body cameras and public records set
September 26, 2014
The City of Greensboro is hosting a panel discussion on the use of body-worn cameras by police officers and the state's public records law. The Sept. 30 discussion will include civil rights, press and government lawyers.