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Religious Holiday, Jewish: Pesach (Passover)

January 4, 2018

Pesach, which means to pass through, commemorates the Exodus from Egypt and the Holy One passing over the Jewish homes when the first-born Egyptians were slain.

Religious Holiday, Hindu: Hanuman Jayanti

January 4, 2018

This event celebrates Hanuman, one of the most popular Hindu idols, the ape that helped Lord Rama fight evil. Hanuman represents the inherent and rarely used power that lies within all.

Religious Holiday, Hindu: New Year

January 4, 2018

This event celebrates the dawn of a new year and new beginnings.  It is a spring festival marking the end of winter and looking forward to a time of expectation.

Religious Holiday, Hindu: Holi

January 4, 2018

This springtime festival of colors includes music, dancing, laughter and teasing.  It is a fun-filled, joyous celebration.

Religious Holiday, Jewish: Purim

January 4, 2018

This merry holiday celebrates a time when Jewish people in Persia were saved from destruction. It is customary to hear the reading of the Book of Esther, eat, drink, and be joyful, give gifts of food and drink and gifts to charity, and hold carnival-like celebrations.