Articles by Mark Enfield

Elon Explorers hosts first Science Slices event

March 21, 2022

Jen Hamel and Mark Enfield's grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund provides support for monthly science cafe's for Alamance Burlington School System middle school students and their families.

Mark Enfield and Teaching Fellow alum Sara Rosenthal '16 collaborate on book about science education

December 12, 2017

Enfield, associate professor of education worked with Rosenthal to write “Taking science home: Reflexivity on becoming a teacher insider in an afterschool science program,” a book about their efforts to bring science learning to local children in an informal after-school program. The book narrates their efforts to become insiders in the social and cultural context, their learning as teachers, and the ways that science learning mediated between the children, teachers, context and content through the after-school program.

Mark Enfield publishes article on elementary science teaching

April 12, 2013

The article, published in the Journal of Science Teacher Education, focuses on teachers' actions during read aloud events in elementary science lessons.  The research was supported by the Hultquist Award through Elon's Faculty Research and Development committee.

Mark Enfield & Melony Allen present at conference

March 22, 2010

Mark Enfield, assistant professor of education, coordinated a session at the 2010 National Science Teachers Association Research Dissemination Conference in Philadelphia. Melony Allen, adjunct instructor in the School of Education, co-presented in the session.