Articles by Martin Kamela

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Colloquium on colliding black holes

April 21, 2016

Karelle Siellez, of Georgia Tech and the LIGO collaboration, presented recent results on the detection (and the confirmation of existence) of gravitational waves from two colliding black holes, a billion light years away.

Colloquium on Biophysics by Eric Mazur

October 16, 2015

It was a full house on Friday, Oct. 16 for the presentation by Harvard University professor and Dean of Applied Physics, Eric Mazur, as part of the McMichael Colloquium Series. Dr. Mazur presented his biophysics work on the use of lasers to ablate and explore the functions of subcellular structures.

Sirena Hargrove-Leak directs NSF-funded grant

August 23, 2014

In collaboration with colleagues from two other institutions, Assistant Professor Sirena Hargrove-Leak has received a grant of more than $161,000 from the National Science Foundation to research and reform the way science and engineering students learn in laboratory settings.