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Chandler Family Professional Sales Center named full member of USCA

September 8, 2011

Elon University’s Chandler Family Professional Sales Center, housed in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, recently became a full member of the University Sales Center Alliance, a consortium of sales centers located in universities throughout the United States.

Tony Amoruso and Neeraj Gupta featured in Business North Carolina

September 2, 2011

Tony Amoruso, assistant professor of accounting, and Neeraj Gupta, assistant professor of finance, are featured in the “Top 75 Public Companies” article appearing in the August 2011 issue of Business North Carolina. They compiled the publication’s “Top 75” list, an annual ranking of the largest publicly traded companies based in the state.

Michael Rodriguez publishes articles on social media and CRM

August 31, 2011

Michael Rodriguez, assistant professor of marketing in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, published two articles earlier this summer – “Making Social Media Effective in Real Estate” and “CRM and Sales Pipeline Management--Empirical Results for Managing Opportunities.”

Larry Garber featured on IMT-Ghaziabad website

August 25, 2011

Larry Garber, associate professor of marketing at Elon and visiting associate professor at the Institute of Management Technology in Ghaziabad, India, was recently interviewed about his interests, research and experience this summer teaching integrated marketing courses at IMT.

Burpitt and Valle publish article on balancing exploration and exploitation

August 25, 2011

Bill Burpitt, LSB associate dean for graduate and executive programs and professor of management, and Matthew Valle, professor of management, recently published an article, “Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in a Declining Industry: Antecedents to Firm Adaptation Strategy and Performance,” in the most recent issue (21, 1) of the Journal of Small Business Strategy. The article explores why some firms are better able than others to adapt to threatening changes in their markets.