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Contributing author and Elon faculty Carmen Monico celebrates book release on intercountry adoption policy debates

March 14, 2015

In an example of collaboration between academics and practitioners, Carmen Monico worked with her former dissertation chair, Karen Smith Rotabi, now in the United Arab Emirates University, Kelley McCreery Bunkers, a child protection consultant, and Lucy Armistead, an adoption agency director, in the production of two book chapters summarizing the social literature of intercountry adoption globally, and the U.S. intercountry adoption experience from post-disaster Haiti.

Chris Richardson and student speak at astronomy event

March 13, 2015

Chris Richardson, assistant professor of physics, and Maria Temming ’16, Elon Honors Fellow, each described their research during the annual Triad Starfest, a meeting of professional and amateur astronomers at Guilford Technical Community College.