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Kevin O’Mara, Art Cassill publish article in International Journal of Business and Social Science
December 19, 2014
Two Martha and Spencer Love School of Business professors recently published an article on executing a model for a study abroad course that targets a single global industry in a single country by developing a close relationship with a host university.
Crider delivers keynote at International Conference on Educational Innovation
December 19, 2014
Daryl Lawson publishes article on the use of telemedicine
December 16, 2014
The article, which the associate professor of physical therapy education co-wrote with Nevada physical therapist Doug Herron, appeared on the website for Advance magazine and is also slated for print publication.
Staff and Faculty Share Best Practices at Premiere Leadership Development Conference
December 16, 2014
Carnes, Rusterholz, and Ward-Johnson showcase two leadership courses and two diversity programs at the Leadership Educators Institute.
Elon anthropologists and Lumen Scholar present research in D.C.
December 15, 2014
Three Elon faculty members and a university Lumen Scholar shared their work at the 2014 American Anthropological Association annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
Thomas Erdmann has article and CD review published
December 15, 2014
Professor of Music Thomas Erdmann had an article and CD review published in a professional trumpet journal.
Janet Warman publishes poem
December 11, 2014
The Elon University professor of English and education has a poem, "In the Silence," featured in the latest issue of Spillway.
Professor and alumni publish two research articles
December 11, 2014
Recent graduates Chris Shill '14 and Erin Strosnider '14 each co-authored an article with Assistant Professor Chad Awtrey in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics based on research conducted during the 2013-2014 academic year.
Ann Pegelow Kaplan publishes on VASA, media arts website
December 11, 2014
Kaplan's photographs included on VASA, the media arts website produced out of Vienna, Austria.
Janelle Armstrong- Brown presented at APHA Conference
December 11, 2014
Janelle Armstrong-Brown, assistant professor of public health studies, presented her research at the 142nd Annual American Public Health Association Conference.