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Student & professor provide professional development at early care conference
November 2, 2014
Jenna Gilder, a senior psychology major and early childhood minor, provided a professional development session on Nov. 1, 2014, for early care and education professionals, along with Heidi Hollingsworth, assistant professor of education and program coordinator for early childhood education.
Carri Tolmie presents paper at Academy of International Business conference
October 29, 2014
The international business assistant professor presented her research on corporate social responsibility at the annual meeting.
Elon University RAs and RACs Attend State-Wide Conference
October 29, 2014
18 Elon RAs and RACs attended and presented at the North Carolina RA Drive In Conference.
Omri Shimron performs at Gettysburg College
October 28, 2014
Presents solo piano recital at the Sunderman Conservatory of Music.
Megan Squire serves on 'women in technology' panel for All Things Open conference
October 28, 2014
Six female leaders in technology discuss the under-representation of women in technical roles, and what can be done to encourage participation by women
Department of Music faculty participate in North Carolina Music Teachers Association conference
October 27, 2014
Victoria Fischer Faw, Eden Esters Brown and Omri Shimron present, moderate and adjudicate at the annual meeting.
Amy Overman gives invited talk at UNC-Greensboro
October 27, 2014
The associate professor of psychology was invited to give a talk as part of the Hard Data Cafe series sponsored by UNCG's Department of Psychology.
Henry Gabriel advances scholarship on international trade law
October 23, 2014
Elon Law Professor Henry Gabriel recently published scholarship and presented internationally on topics that address the regional harmonization of trade law, agricultural development and the future of international trade law.
Janet MacFall publishes article on Haw River
October 23, 2014
The article in PLOS One describes changes in shape and processes regulating erosion on the river banks of the 9th most-threatened river in the United States.