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Works by Samantha DiRosa included in photography exhibit at Torpedo Factory
November 26, 2013
The Elon associate professor of art and environmental studies collaborated with poet and landscape theorist Jolie B. Kaytes for the project, Gathering Dust: Sediment/Sentiment, which will be on view at Virginia's well-known Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria through Dec. 1.
Mussa Idris presents paper at African Studies Association conference
November 24, 2013
Paper explains the ways in which Ethiopian and Eritrean migrants establish successful businesses in Washington D.C.
Jeff Carpenter publishes article
November 23, 2013
Jeff Carpenter, assistant professor of education, has co-authored an article titled "Preparing Students to Take Responsibility for Learning: The Role of Non-Curricular Learning Strategies"
Meredith Allison coauthors journal articles in psychology and law
November 22, 2013
Meredith Allison, associate professor of psychology, has had two recent articles published in peer-reviewed journals (complete citations are below).
Kurt, DeLoach publish paper in Journal of Labor Research
November 20, 2013
Two Martha and Spencer Love School of Business professors recently published research on the impacts of macroeconomic shocks on the search intensity of the unemployed.
Elon's Instructional & Campus Technologies staff present at national conference
November 19, 2013
The team partnered with Abilene Christian University to discuss and review the current challenges and positive aspects of virtualizing computers across campus.
Bill Andrews co-authors peer-reviewed publication
November 19, 2013
Bill Andrews, PT, EdD, NCS, an associate professor in the Department of Physical Therapy Education, has co-authored an article published in the latest issue of the Journal of Physical Therapy Science.
Alumnus, registrar present research on vegetarian, vegan students
November 18, 2013
Elon Alumnus Brett Evans '13 teams up with Registrar Rodney Parks to present research on recruiting and retaining vegetarian and vegan students.
Patricia Perkins and Catherine Wasson present on the correlation between writing skills and law school success
November 18, 2013
Elon Law Professors Patricia C. Perkins and Catherine J. Wasson presented results of their preliminary research on the relationship between writing skills and law school success at the North and South Carolina Legal Writing and Research Colloquium, held at the University of South Carolina.
Darris Means co-authors journal article
November 15, 2013
The associate director of the Elon Academy co-authored an article in the Journal of African American Males in Education.