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Darris Means publishes article

November 15, 2013

Darris Means, associate director for the Elon Academy, co-authored an article in the Journal of African American Males in Education.

Rodney Parks contributes chapter to new book

November 14, 2013

Developing and Sustaining Adult Learners is the second volume in a series of scholarly publications associated with the annual Adult Higher Education Alliance.

Mark Kurt publishes article in Health Economics

November 13, 2013

A Martha and Spencer Love School of Business professor's research on sexually transmitted infections with semi-anonymous matching has been published in the journal Health Economics.

Nash and Rudd present at conference

November 12, 2013

Katie Nash, archivist and special collections librarian, and Patrick Rudd, coordinator of access services and instruction, recently presented together at the Tri State Archivists Conference in Greenville, S.C.