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Faculty publish journal articles related to service-learning in communications
August 13, 2013
Amanda Sturgill, Phillip Motley and Staci Saltz all wrote articles for an AEJMC peer-reviewed journal.
Henry Gabriel advances scholarship on uniform commercial law
August 12, 2013
Elon Law Professor Henry Gabriel’s scholarship in domestic and international commercial law has been published recently in a book and several law journal articles.
Harlen Makemson publishes book chapter on media sensationalism
August 6, 2013
The associate professor in the School of Communications examines the impact of political cartooning as part of a multi-author book on media sensationalism in the 19th century.
Todd Coleman completes commissioned work for organ and string quartet
August 5, 2013
The associate professor and coordinator of the Music Production & Recording Arts program completes commissioned musical work for the Ciompi Quartet and organist Tim Olsen.
Amy Allocco publishes journal article
July 30, 2013
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Amy L. Allocco recently published an article titled “From Survival to Respect: The Narrative Performances and Ritual Authority of a Female Hindu Healer," in the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion.
Futrell performs with Colorado Music Festival Orchestra & Chorus
July 29, 2013
Elon's director of choral activities is also working closely with the choral program at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Huber participates in international colloquium on ancient Macedonia
July 27, 2013
Associate Professor of Religious Studies Lynn R. Huber participated in the Colloquium on Material Culture and Ancient Religion's travel seminar on "Navigating the Boundaries of Roman Macedonia."
SURE scholars present summer research
July 26, 2013
The Summer Undergraduate Research Experiences program offers students stipends to spend eight weeks on campus collaborating with faculty on a variety of projects.
Haya Ajjan guest lectures at ESAN University in Peru
July 24, 2013
Haya Ajjan, assistant professor of management information systems in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, was recently a guest professor during International Week at ESAN University in Lima, Peru.